The Seven Deadly Sins of Product Development
In almost 30 years of business, I have seen some exceptional product launches. I have also seen my share of those that were underwhelming, where critical missteps turned what could have been a successful product launch into something less. Here is a simple guide to recognize, and hopefully not succumb to the temptation of product development’s biggest sins.
Mind Games: How the Big Guys Think
Interested in raising money, partnering or selling? If this is you and you find yourself sitting across the table from an established player, here are some perspectives on how they may approach the conversation.
Can Socialized Medicine Save the U.S. Healthcare System?
Is the U.S. healthcare system so irreparable that we really need to resort to importing another country's health system?
Outdated & Broken: the U.S. Healthcare System
Our healthcare system is outdated and broken. With a common-sense approach and a real commitment to reward value vs. activity, we have an opportunity to create a cost-effective framework that prioritizes what matters most – health.
A Crazy Idea?
Why doesn't Life Insurance pay for Healthcare? It may be crazy, but there may be a role for life insurance to help to better manage health, outcomes and costs, while making more money for themselves.
In many areas of the global health system today, demand for care far exceeds the system’s ability to supply the care. This dynamic is particularly true for the most prevalent chronic diseases. Through a more aggressive push for the use of Intellimedicine, the healthcare system gives itself a chance to better manage this dynamic.
The Gamification of Healthcare
Gamification could please a useful role in healthcare, particularly in the management of chronic disease.
The Power of Predictive Analytics
With the explosion of data, we need to move more aggressively from reactive medicine to predictive, proactive medicine.
Actionable Insights
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The Burdens of Chronic Disease
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Amet aliquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris.
COVID-19 and Chronic Disease Management
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Amet aliquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris.